Video Bites
6 P’s that are critical for speaking in public
This 55 second video identifies the keys required to deliver an effective speech
What your Divorce Lawyer won’t tell you.
There are a lot of things to be prepared for. This 44 second video introduces a few of the key items to watch out for.
Most People Suck at Listening
This 38 second video has some good tips to improve your listening skills.
How to Create Your Elevator Pitch
Find out why your elevator pitch is falling on deaf ears and why listing your products and services does nothing to inspire your prospects.
What is your 168?
Completely change your life by figuring out your 168. This 1:41, just over 90 seconds, you get some idea how we can help you improve your life.
My very first presentation
I hope you never have to experience the same thing I had to when asked to managed 2 day workshop. Watch this 45 second video
Most Marketing Messages are Wrong
This 44 second video is an introduction to what is wrong with most marketing today.
Onboarding Training
How to make onboarding or customer service training work with video, narration and interaction.
How to effectively manage your cash flow
Click To get your copy of this excel template for your business!
Recognized by IBM for Excellence in Innovations for our Ecommerce Solution
Business First Mindset
We approach every project and every problem we are tasked to solve with a "Business First" Mindset. We need to make sure the solutions we provide are effective today and will continue to be effective and help maintain a competitive advantage as we move into the future. This requires not only a thorough understanding of the business goals and obectives but a deep understanding of the business processes, the people in the organization and the standing in the community.
If a technology solution does not make sense for a client we will say so, and provide reasons. Our future success is tied directly to the success of our clients. And that success means making the best decisions as regard to technology and infrastructure or the business as a whole.
Kolaco the way you want it
Because one size does not fit all we have developed several learning options for you to choose from .

One-On-One Coaching
Looking for professional help that’s affordable? I will help you increase your leads and sales, generate leads, create marketing that actually produces results, increase your revenue substantially, and position your business as the dominant force in your industry.

Group Coaching
Every week I teach you the latest, cutting-edge, lead generation/lead conversion strategies, show you exactly how to apply each strategy to your business, provide multiple case studies, and transform your business financially and professionally.

DIY Online Learning
I’ll provide you complete access to the largest collection of online resources for business owners, training videos, and proven & tested marketing strategies and templates that will make your business the obvious choice to buy from.
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Ocean Township
New Jersey 07712
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Mon-Fri: 9am - 5pm
Sat-Sun: Closed